Postpartum Care Demo
Essential information to help your patients care for their physical and emotional health in the 12 weeks after giving birth.
Certified Childbirth Educator, Doula
PhD, Licensed Psychologist
In this course, your patient will learn about two periods after their baby is born. The first 6 weeks called the “postpartum period.” The first 12 weeks after giving birth called the “fourth trimester.” This class introduces the most common physical and emotional changes that typically occur during this period and will help them know what to do when they experience them.
Led by Jen Wade, Certified Childbirth Educator and Doula & Dr Ann Dunnewold PhD. Licensed Psychologist
10 Chapters and 56 Lessons
55 videos 6 Interactive activities
7 PDF’s including Postpartum Warning Signs and Money Matters
Welcome to the Fourth Trimester!
The Fourth Trimester
Birth Day
First Few Hours
The Newborn Baby
Bladder, Bowel, and Hemorrhoids
Physical Changes
Vaginal Bleeding
Other Physical Changes
Managing Pain
Perineal Care
Cesarean Recovery
Rest and Sleep
Nutrition and Exercise
Postpartum Warning Signs
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Blood Clots
Going Home
Planning Ahead
Help at Home
Becoming a Family
Family Pets
Time for Yourselves